Monday, February 20, 2017

Kimchi Tofu Soup 泡菜豆腐汤

1 can Ayambrand Kimchi Tuna
1 cup kimchi
2 tbsp Korean Chilli Paste 
1 box Pressed Tofu (cut into cubes)
Few slices of meat (can be pork, chicken or beef)
Few pcs of fresh Shitake Mushroom (slice it)
A handful of Korean Sweet Potato Noodle (soak till soft)
1/2 litre chicken stock

1. Heat 1 tbsp of oil and stirfry the meat quickly. Add the tuna, kimchi, and chilli paste, and mix well.
2. Add the chicken stock to the pot and bring to a boil for 20 mins.
3. Add the tofu, mushroom, and noodle and boil for another 10 mins.
4. Off the fire, and add green onions as garnish. Ready to serve.

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