Sunday, February 19, 2017


Followed this recipe:

Ingredients for the Poolish:
250 g bread flour
250 g water
0.1 g instant yeast 

Cover the bowl and leave for 12 hours at room temperature.

Ingredients for the ciabatta dough:
Poolish (500 g)
280 g bread flour
200 water
8 g salt
7 g instant yeast

Ingredients for the topping:
24 ripe mini tomatoes, halved
1 large thinly sliced white onion
about 3 tbsps olive oil
a handful of fresh basil leafs
sea salt flakes and black pepper to taste

Place the dough in a bowl sprayed with oil, cover and let it rest for 90 minutes in a warm place.
Preheat your oven at 230ºC / 445ºF. Prepare your baking tray (about 30 x 40 cm / 12 x 16 inches) by lining it with a baking sheet or baking parchment and lightly spray or coat it with some oil. Spread out the gloopy dough on the baking tray (wetting or oiling your fingers will help) making sure to evenly distribute it into the corners.
Let it proof for another 30 minutes.
Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, until golden brown.

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