Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Ingredients (good for 2 adults 2 kids):
4 eggs
1 cucumber
1 carrot 
1 pack baby spinach
8 to 10 pcs fresh shitake mushroom
400g mince beef (can be chicken/pork)  - marinate the meat
1 pack Kimchi
Bibimbap sauce
Korean chilli paste
1.5 to 2 cups cooked rice

1. Fry the eggs (one by one) and put aside.
2. Shred the cucumber and put aside.
3. Shred the carrot , blanch it (you can eat it raw if you prefer.), and put aside.
4. Wash the baby spinach, stirfry it with garlic, and put aside.
5. Slice the fresh shitake mushroom with some garlic & a tbsp oyster sauce. Put aside.
6. Stirfry the meat. Put aside.
7. Assemble all the above on a bowl of rice. Add the kimchi and the bibimbap sauce. For those who like more spice, you can add a tbsp of the Korean chilli paste.

Note: This dish is very versatile, you can also add other types of vegetables like bean sprout.

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