Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Red Curry Popcorn

20g to 30g raw popcorn
1 tsp oil
1/4 tsp fine salt

1. Wash the raw popcorn.
2. Heat up the airfryer at 200 degree.
3. Spray some oil on the popcorn & place them in the airfryer basket. Please cover it or else your popcorn will be flying in the airfryer.
4. Airfry them at 200degree for 6mins.
5. Mix the curry paste with oil, and use a brush to brush it over the popcorn. Sprinkle the salt over the popcorn. Airfry them for another 2 mins and it will be done.

They will be crunchy after cooling down (about 2 mins later), but turn soft pretty soon. So don't airfry a lot of it if you do not intend to eat them all up.

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