Monday, February 11, 2019

Seafood Bee Hoon

3 eggs
Few slices of cabbage (sliced)
1 squid (clean & sliced it)
8 prawns
3 cups of chicken stock (can be more if you like more soup)
1 handful of green vegetable
200g bee hoon (soak till soft)
Few cloves of garlic (minced)
Few slices of ginger
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp hua diao
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
Dash of pepper & salt

1. Heat up pan with 2 tbsp oil.
2. Fry the egg. Push them aside when they are 80% cooked.
3. Add 1 tbsp oil and stirfry garlic & ginger in the same pan.
4. Add the cabbage & stirfry them for a while.
5. Add the chicken stock. When the stock is boiling, add the bee hoon & cover with a lid for 2 mins.
6. Add the squid and prawns, then cover with lid for 2 more mins.
7. Mix all the above well. Add the vegetables, and cover with lid for 1 min.
8. Add the light soya sauce, hua diao, sesame oil, pepper & salt.
9. Mix well & they are ready to be served.

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