Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Salted Egg Fried Sardine

20g plain flour
5g butter
1 tsp fresh milk
1/2 tsp sugar
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp Knorr Salted Egg Powder
1 egg
20g Breadcrumbs (add 1 tbsp salted egg powder)
2 cans Ayam Brand Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sardine

1. Melt butter over low heat. Add milk, sugar, salt and salted egg powder to the melted butter and mix well.
2. Cool the above mixture and add to the egg. Beat well.
3. Coat the sardines with plain flour, followed by egg mixture, then breadcrumbs.
4. Heat up oil and deep-fry the sardines.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Salted Egg Bread with Meat Floss

Ingredients for Bread: 
250g Bread flour 
30g Cake flour 
20g Knorr Golden Salted Egg Powder
20g Butter
30g Honey
5g Salt
180ml Fresh Milk
3/4 tsp instant dry yeast 

Ingredients for Mayo:
5g Butter
1/2 tsp Sugar
Pinch of Salt
10g Knorr Golden Salted Egg Powder
50g Mayonnaise

30g Meat floss (store bought)

1. I used Panasonic breadmaker to produce the dough (using its dough function).
2. The dough will weigh about 500gram.
3. Preheat the oven at 170C.
4. Divide the dough into 10.
5. Knead each dough by hand for a few more mins and put them into a muffin tray. Let the dough rest for at least 60 mins.
6. Brush some eggwash on each dough, and bake them for 12mins at 170 degree.
7. To prepare the Salted Egg Mayo: Melt the butter over low heat, and add sugar, salt, and salted egg powder. Mix well (takes less than a min).
8. Whisk the above mixture into mayonnaise (add the mixture into the mayonnaise bit by bit).
9. Using a teaspoon, apply the mayonnaise around the bread. Press the meat floss on the mayonnaise.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Salted Egg Tapioca Chips

5 tbsp Knorr Golden Salted Egg Powder
80g butter
A handful of curry leaves - washed
2 chilli padi (optional)
1 packet Fairprice Tapioca Chips (180g)

1. Heat up oven at 100C.
2. Heat up a frying pan (low heat throughout).
3. Add the butter.
4. Stirfry the curry leaves and chilli padi in the butter.
5. Add the Salted Egg Powder, and mix well. Off the fire when the mixture is bubbling.
6. Pour in the Tapioca Chips, and mix them well with the Salted Egg mixture.
7. Place the chips on a baking tray and bake them for 15mins at 100 degree.
8. When they are cooled, please keep them in an airtight container.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Butter Garlic Scallops 牛油干贝

16 frozen scallops
3 tbsp butter
A few cloves garlic - minced
Pinch of salt, pepper, & parsley

1. Thaw the scallops, then rinse them and pat dry with paper towels.
2. Melt 1 tbsp butter in a pan (I used cast iron), and fry the garlic for about half a min.
3. Push the garlic aside and add the scallops.
4. Pan fry each side for 2 - 3 mins.
5. Add the remaining 2 tbsp butter, and add a pinch of salt, black pepper, and dried parsley over it.
6. Ready to serve.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Homemade Chicken Stock 鸡汤

4 to 5 Chicken Bones (from thigh - cause I bought thighs & debone from them)
8 to 10 Chicken Feet (can be more)
1/2 cup of soya beans (soaked for 1 hr)
2 stalks of lemongrass (wash & chopped into 3 parts)
2 thumb size ginger (wash & remove skin & smashed them)
2 - 3 pcs of dried scallop (for a more flavourful soup) - optional
1 - 2 pcs of dried abalone (for a more flavourful soup) - optional

1. Blanch the chicken bones and feet.
2. Boil about 4 to 5 liters of water.
3. Add all the above ingredients.
4. Boil at high fire for 20 minutes, then change to low fire for at least 4 to 6 hours. You may add water if need to. I will add half cup by half cup, and not 2 - 3 cups at one go.

1. I used a Thermos magic pot. So after I boiled at high fire for 20 mins, I placed the inner pot into the outer pot. (I leave it overnight.) Then I boil it over low fire for another 1 hour.
2. I did not add salt to it. Add salt or soya sauce when you use the stock for cooking.
3. I collected the thigh bones when I bought chicken thighs and I removed the bones from them. Or you can buy chicken carcass from the market.
4. They will become jelly-like when they are chilled. (As shown in the video)