Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Heng Hua Lor Mee 兴化卤面

Few cloves of garlic - smashed
Few slices of ginger
2 pcs napa cabbage - sliced
5 pcs fresh shitake mushrooms - sliced
Handful of green vegetable
Handful of sliced pork
8 prawns
500g clams (bought from Sheng Siong)
1 packet Wheat flour noodle (bought from 335 Smith Street market) - $2
The stall is a Yong Tou Fu stall located at basement.

4 cups Chicken stock
2 tbsp Huadiao wine
2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp corn flour

1. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan to fry garlic, and ginger until fragrant.
2. Add napa cabbage, mushrooms, pork, prawns, and clams into the pot and fry for 3 mins.
3. Add the chicken stock, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil.
4. Add the noodles (rinse/blanch it beforehand), light soya sauce, and huadiao. Mix well, then add corn flour to thicken the soup. 5. Lastly, add the green vegetable and boil for another min. Then it's ready to be served.
6. Garnish with seaweed, peanuts, and green onions. I like to add a dash of black vinegar and pepper too.

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