Monday, January 23, 2017

Chilled Cucumber 手拍黄瓜

1 cucumber
Few cloves of garlic (minced it)
2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp black vinegar
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp chilli oil
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tsp of sesame seed

1. Wash the cucumber and smash it gently with the flat side of a chopper/knife.
2. Cut the cucumber into smaller pieces, and rub a bit of salt on them. (Remove seeds if u dun like it to turn watery.)
3. Mix the above ingredients & add them to the cucumber.
4. Keep in fridge for at least 4 hrs. Halfway, stir and mix them well. Or else those on top may not be soaked well.

Note: it will become more watery by itself. If u dun want it watery, u can remove the seeds when u r cutting it into smaller pieces. I ate it on the same day so it didn't become soggy, still crunchy :)

Those who like it spicy, you can add dried chilli too.

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