Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Strawberry Fruit Roll

450g strawberries
50g sugar
1/2 tsp lemon juice

1. Blend the strawberries & sugar till pureed. Add lemon juice & stir in.
2. Boil them over low fire for 30mins (stir them once a while)
3. Place a big pc of baking paper over your cookie pan. (My is 31cm by 30cm.)
4. Pour the puree and use a spatula to make them flat & smooth on the baking paper (thin layer).
5. Put in oven at 80C for 3 hours (turn the cookie pan halfway during baking).
(More or less time may be needed depending on ur oven. If it still feels a bit wet after 3 hrs, maybe u need another 30mins).
6. Air them for at least an hour before you roll them and cut them into smaller pieces.

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