Sunday, September 17, 2017

Gnocchi Carota Torta

8 eggs (beaten)
1/2 packet of Thai sweet radish (bought from wet market)
Few cloves of garlic (minced it)
1 packet of Gnocchi
3 tbsp light soya sauce
Pinch of pepper and salt
Spring onions

1. Boil gnocchi in a pot of salted water until it floats. Quickly drain the water and set aside.
2. Heat up a pan and add 2 tbsp of oil.
3. Stirfry the radish and garlic for about 2 mins.
4. Add the cooked gnocchi and stirfry it until it is a bit char.
5. Pour the soya sauce and mix it well with the gnocchi.
6. Add the eggs, and pinch of pepper and salt and mix well.
7. Garnish with spring onions and it is ready to be served.

Casa Rinaldi Gnocchi is available exclusively at NTUC finest under the pasta section. (Retail price at $9.50 per pack). Don't miss out Casa Rinaldi giveaway at


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